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EU solar power

Powering new jobs in Europe’s solar energy sector

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Solar power is set to become one of Europe’s largest energy sources before the end of the decade. By 2050, it could also create an estimated 4 million jobs — but there’s currently a real shortage of workers with the skills to make it happen. That's why SolarPower Europe created #SolarWorks, supported by Google. This new programme aims to raise awareness of the diverse range of careers available in solar, and connect people with the resources to get started.

Why solar?

A growing energy

For the EU to achieve a climate-neutral economy by 2050, more than 80% of its electricity will need to come from renewable energy. As the lowest-cost and easiest-to-deploy clean energy option, solar’s use will grow exponentially — powering millions of homes, cars and factories — and creating a cleaner Europe.

By 2050, 60% of Europe’s energy could come from solar. But it won’t happen unless there are enough installers, technicians, engineers, project managers, and other skilled workers trained and ready to make the transition and drive the growth.

Explore solar opportunities France

If France achieves its national solar target of 40GW of capacity by 2028 its solar industry will have grown by 268%. By 2028, solar energy could create up to 24,000 direct jobs in France

Explore solar opportunities GERMANY

If Germany achieves its national solar target of 98GW of capacity by 2030, its solar industry will have grown by 80%. Over the next 20 years, the number of people employed by the solar industry is set to triple from around 24,400 to 72,000

Explore solar opportunities Netherlands

If the Netherlands achieves its national solar target of 27GW of capacity by 2030, its solar industry will have grown by 192%. To reach its climate goals, the country needs an additional 28,000 people to join its renewable energy sector by the end of this decade

Explore solar opportunities POLAND

If Poland achieves its national solar target of more than 7GW of capacity by 2030, its solar industry will have doubled in size

`Explore solar opportunities SPAIN

If Spain achieves its national solar target of almost 40GW of capacity by 2030, its solar industry will have grown by 196%

#SolarWorks network

The #SolarWorks project has been created in partnership with solar companies from across Europe

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*All statistics are from the EU Market Outlook for Solar Power 2021-2025 report, SolarPower Europe

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