Grow with Google Sudbury

- Sudbury, Ontario
- Vale Cavern, Science North
- April 12, 2019
- Sudbury, Ontario
- Vale Cavern, Science North
- April 12, 2019
More than 300 small business owners and skill-seekers from across the Greater Sudbury area joined us to learn about using digital skills to promote growth and their online presence. Science North was not only an impressive backdrop for a full day of workshops, but the team’s approach to marketing is a great example of using digital in an effective way. By adopting tools like Google Ads, they are driving traffic from across Northern Ontario and beyond to discover more about their programs and services. Last year, over 380,000 individuals visited the Science North website - more than double the population of Sudbury.
Grade 5 and 6 students at Alexander Public School also demonstrated their digital skills with a block-based coding activity led by Google Waterloo engineers (April 11). As part of ongoing work with the Rainbow District School Board, 90 teachers are being taught how to implement CS First by Google in their classrooms.
The training opportunities also continue for adult learners. A $125k grant will allow Canada Learning Code’s Sudbury Chapter to deliver an additional 100 hours of hands-on programming to support Sudbury area entrepreneurs.
local businesses, entrepreneurs and skill seekers
grant for local digital skills training
teachers to be trained