“We believe in leveling the playing field for everyone. The Internet is one of the world’s most powerful equalizers, and we see it as our job to make it available to as many people as possible.”

– Sundar Pichai, Founders’ Letter 2016

In 2017, Google’s search and advertising tools helped generate $10.4 billion or more in economic activity for Canadian businesses, website publishers, and nonprofits. But more meaningful than the statistics are the individual stories behind them. Our tools are helping Canadian businesses grow, provide for their families, and give back to their communities.

We are always inspired to see what people do when they have access to technology. We know that people are changing the world through their own creativity and passion, and that sometimes technology lends a hand. So we wanted to do our part to make sure that technology brings opportunity to everyone.

That is why we created Grow with Google

Grow with Google is an initiative that draws on our 20-year history of building products, platforms, and services that help people and businesses grow. Through Grow with Google, we aim to help everyone across Canada – those who make up the workforce of today and the students who will drive the workforce of tomorrow – access the best of Google’s training and tools to grow their skills, careers, and businesses.

  • Small business owners can build their online presence and find new customers.
  • Job seekers can grow their skills in order to find new jobs and advance their careers.
  • Startups can learn how to get their ideas the exposure they need to succeed.
  • Developers can sharpen their current skills and master new ones.


Across Canada, Google Search, Google Play, YouTube, Google Cloud and Google advertising tools helped provide $45 billion in economic activity for Canadian businesses, nonprofits, publishers, creators, and developers in 2022.

See our impact

Tools and training for everyone

Making tools and training easily accessible online for free is just one part of Grow with Google. We’re also bringing workshops, in-person training, and one-on-one coaching to cities and towns across Canada, in partnership with community groups and local leaders.

Working with community partners

We’re excited to partner with organizations that are working hard to ensure more Canadians have the skills they need to succeed in an increasingly digital economy. Through our partnerships with Canada Learning Code, NPower Canada, comIT, and the Parkdale Centre for Innovation, who are committed to empowering Canadians through access to digital skills training, we will be able to connect individuals with the resources and tools to expand their skills and career opportunities.

We hope that by making our resources available to everyone online, by bringing hands-on training into communities across the country, and by supporting organizations working to expand access to digital tools and training, we can help all Canadians grow their skills, their opportunities, and their futures.


Across Canada, Google Search, Google Play, YouTube, Google Cloud and Google advertising tools helped provide $45 billion in economic activity for Canadian businesses, nonprofits, publishers, creators, and developers in 2022.

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1Google Internal Data