The Applied Digital Skills

A flexible video based curriculum that prepares students of all ages for the growing number of jobs that require basic digital skills.

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Applied Digital Skills

Level : Middle School-High School, Community College and Continuing Education

Location : Online

Duration : N/A

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What is Applied Digital Skills?

Applied Digital Skills is a flexible video-based curriculum that prepares students for the growing number of jobs that require basic digital skills, such as email and spreadsheets.

Hundreds of hours of lessons and instructional videos, presented in digestible activities for 7th-12th grade or adult learners, guide students through engaging and practical compuprojects that equip them with the computer and soft skills that will help them succeed at school, in the workplace and in life. The program is already in use across the country by more than 200,000 students today.

What does it teach?

We believe that every student in every school deserves to have access to the tools and digital skills that will set them up for success in the job market of today — and tomorrow.

With more than 100  hours of curriculum, Applied Digital Skills teaches a wide range of lessons in computer and digital literacy using practical soft skills for life and work. The curriculum includes lessons such as Research and Develop a Topic, where students develop tests for credible sources; Plan and Budget, where students collect and analyze data about a long-term, contractual purchase; and Picking the Next Box Office Hit, which teaches students to analyze movie data and formulate a data-driven hypothesis.

Applied Digital Skills also includes lessons that link digital skills with important technology topics.   Lessons like – Technology’s Role in Current Events, Technology, Ethics and Security, Technology at Work, and Equal Access to Technology – encourage self-directed research that highlights students’ creativity and critical thinking skills.

Why is it important?

Digital literacy, problem-solving, and creativity are often cited as essential skills for jobs of the future, but a report from The Economist’s Intelligence Unit reveals that among 18- to 25-year-olds, less than half (44%) believe that their education system is providing them with the skills they need to enter the country’s workforce.

Applied Digital Skills encourages students to apply the digital skills they learn through the program to relevant, real-life problems.

How to get started

Visit the Applied Digital Skills website and sign-up to get started in 3 easy steps.


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